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Free Sample North Dakota Articles of Incorporation

Below you will find a sample North Dakota articles of incorporation and/or related documents. (the sponsor of this site) helps people like you incorporate a business in North Dakota.  So why would we give you free sample North Dakota articles of incorporation?  Our competitors wanted to know also.

We hope that if you want to start a business North Dakota, form a North Dakota LLC or incorporate a North Dakota Nonprofit Corporation and you don't want to handle the process on your own, you'll consider using

If you just want free sample North Dakota articles of incorporation or related documents, feel free to grab them from this page.


North Dakota Articles of Incorporation (Non Profit Corporation) 
NORTH DAKOTA SECRETARY OF North Dakota SFN 13003 (6–87)
We, the undersigned natural persons of the age of eighteen years or more, acting as incorporators of a corporation organized under Chapter 10–24, North Dakota Century Code, adopt the following Articles of Incorporation for such Corporation
Article 1: The name of said Corporation shall be: ......................................................................................................................
Article 2: The period of its duration is: _________(Perpetual unless Limited)
Article 3: The purposes for which the Corporation is organized are:
Article 4: This Corporation is not organized for profit and shall have no capital stock.
Article 5: Provisions for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Corporation, including provisions for distribution of assets on dissolution of final liquidation are: (If no provisions for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Corporation are set forth, insert the word "None" below)
_______________ _______________ _______________
Article 6: The address of the registered office of the Corporation is:
The name of the initial registered agent at such address is:
Article 7: The number of directors constituting the initial board of directors of the Corporation is: .................................
(State definite number of directors and not less than three (3))
and the names and addresses of the persons who are to serve as initial directors are:




Article 8: The name and address of each incorporator is:
(One or more incorporators)




I (We), the above named incorporator(s), have read the foregoing Articles of Incorporation, know the contents thereof, and believe the statements made therein to be true.
Dated _________, 19__





Certificate No. _________
Filed _________, 19__
_________Secretary of State
_________Filed By
Receipt No: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................  

Filing articles and issuing certificate $_____.
The Articles of Incorporation are to be submitted with a signed consent of the registered agent, executed in duplicate originals, with a filing fee of $_____.
Send to:
Secretary of State
State Capitol
Bismarck, ND 58505

If these free sample North Dakota articles of incorporation (or related documents) meet your needs, then think of us next time you want to start a business in North Dakota.

If these free sample North Dakota articles of incorporation didn't meet your needs and you'd like to start a business in North Dakota, we'd love to see if we can help.  Visit today or call 866-992-5425.